Continuing Education & Short Courses

AcuChi Jin Shin

Combining the aspects of ancient Jin Shin with vibratory energy medicine to create balance in the (Biopsychosociological) Physical, Mental and Spiritual bodies. Energetic and Elemental Balancing through guided breathing and meditation, Third Eye connection, Yin Yang connection, energy excess and deficiency assessment and balancing. AcuChi combines elements of Energy and Tsubo (point) Therapy to access the Meridians and Chakras in the Chakra Bodies to create an internal and external harmony.

 Chi, Qi or Ki: The vital energy of Life Force in the body which gives us a homeostatic balance of existence. Not unlike blood and Lymph in their circulatory and lymphatic systems, Chi runs through a series of pathways or meridians throughout the body to bring energy and nourishment to the physical being. Unlike Blood and Lymph, Chi is an essence and the meridians are invisible. The Chakras are the power houses and charging stations for this energy and have direct connections throughout the Meridians with the Tsubo or points.

 This hands on therapy works on the Biopsychosociological (BodyMindSpirit) to remove heavy energies and rebalance the whole being for optimal healing.

Learning Outcomes

  • How to Assess the client’s constitutional physical and historical condition through the four methods of diagnosis in TCM, interview and chart dowsing
  • Define and Delineate the Chakras and Chakra Bodies
  • Define and employ Chakra Balancing Theory
  • Perform AcuChi Jin Shin Flow Balancing in all seven Chakra Bodies
  • Students will become efficient with: organization for treatment set up; proper client consultations; providing safe and effective treatments; and providing home care advice
Practitioner learning to ground themselves using meditation

Course Dates, Duration and Fees

Start date: October 16th, 2024
End date: January 15th, 2025
On-site clinical skills lab date: November 25th-29th, 2024

12 weeks distance and on-site learning

Fees: $750 course cost and $100 for texts

Studied and practiced before 2500BC, Jin shin is a form of Bodywork that incorporates Body, Mind, and Soul in a bio psychosociological approach to healing through eliminating blockages, tonifying the 12 anatomical systems, and balancing the physical, mental and emotional states, which enables the person to heal.

The most esoteric of the Acupressure and Acupuncture forms, Jin Shin taps into points on the Meridians that access the Extraordinary Vessels in the body that harmonize the 5 Elements and the Qi energy fueling the body systems and functions. These Channels address trauma and emotional states that effect the endocrine, neural, circulatory, digestive, and lymphatic systems where dis-ease begins and causes degeneration as further stressors are encountered.
Using points in progression, the practitioner applies pressure to Master and Couple points to regulate the flow of Qi, Yin and Yang, Zang and Fu, blood, Essences and fluids.

This course teaches the 5 Elements and their associations; the language of TCM; the roots of the way of working Qi and the Vessels; The Extraordinary flows; and is an amazing foundation in grounding and awareness for the student to develop into a practitioner.

Learning Outcomes

  • How to assess the client’s constitutional physical and historical condition through the four methods of diagnosis in TCM, Tongue, and Pulse
  • Learn to Perform Jin Shin Flow Balancing
  • Students will become efficient with: organization for treatment set up; proper client consultations; providing safe and effective treatments; and providing home care advice

Course Dates, Duration and Fees

Start Date: October 16th, 2024
End Date: January 17th, 2025
On-site clinical skills lab date: November 25th-29th, 2024

12 weeks distance and on-site learning

Fees: $750 course cost and $100 for texts

It is said that the eyes are the ‘Windows to the Soul’. This is very true in Iridology. Both a Science and an Artform, Iridology has its roots as far back as the beginnings of Greek Medicine, TCM, Medicina, and Ayurveda. Before modern methods of diagnosis, the Eye, the Pulse and the Tongue gave us the insights to remedy illness and determine the constitution of the patient.

Through methods of charting and research involving thousands of patients over the last century, doctors and practitioners in many countries began to develop a specific and detailed set of signs and indicators seen in the Iris that corresponded with body/mind states of their patients. These signs have become standard for the methodology of reading the iris or Iridology.

This course focuses on reading the signs in the Iris and Sclera of the Human Eye. Based on German and Western developments in Iridology and Holistic Methods of discovery, this course lays the groundwork for lifestyle management and healing methods to be applied.
Students will add a study in Holistic Nutrition and Lifestyle Practices to the diagnostics of the Eye Reading to produce a full client report and delve into the wonders revealed in the eye.

Learning Outcomes

  • How to assess the client’s constitutional physical and historical condition through reading signs and abnormalities to the stroma and pigment in the Iris and to the surrounding Sclera
  • How to perform a live eye reading
  • How to perform a reading from photograph
  • Obtain a basic knowledge of Anatomy Physiology and Pathology
  • How to apply a lifestyle treatment plan to a client based on the eye reading and holistic diagnosis

Course Dates and Fees

Start Date: August 26th, 2024
End Date: November 29th, 2024

Full distance learning

Fees: $950 course cost and ~$100 for texts 

Shiatsu greatly facilitates the movement towards greater human connection and co-operation in our highly industrialized, technological age. Stress has become the number 1 cause of conditions and syndromes that effect the muscles, the skeleton and the nervous system. Shiatsu is a neuro-musculoskeletal approach to healing that facilitates release in tension and imbalance through Tsubo or point-work pressure from the fingers, hands and palms. Along with stretching the channels and rotations, this point-work produces a whole body healing effect that supports the optimization of the body systems through stress relief and relaxation.

Learning the Anatomical Structures and the open areas of penetration for optimum effect on the nervous, circulatory, lymphatic, and energetic pathways, allows the practitioner to alleviate the tensions and blockages causing malfunctions that prevent a healthy body.

This course provides methods and techniques for performing Shiatsu seated in a massage Chair. Focus is on Kata (Body Dynamics) of the practitioner and application for deep lean in pressure to increase the benefits of Shiatsu to all body systems. The specialized application of therapy benefits the practitioner both mentally and ergonomically to extend your practice life and bring a level of treatment to the practitioner while applying therapy to the client. Methods of self development and grounding round out this course for a great introduction to Bodywork.

Learning Outcomes

  • How to assess the client’s constitutional physical and historical condition through traditional and holistic methods
  • How to perform a complete Chair Shiatsu session for 15, 20, or 30 minutes
  • How to perform safe and effective applications of pressure
  • How to define and explain the benefits and contraindications of Shiatsu
  • Students will become efficient with: organization for treatment set up; proper client consultations; providing safe and effective treatments; and providing home care advice

Course Dates and Fees

Start Date: December 3rd, 2024
End Date: January 31st, 2025
On-site clinical skills lab date: January 6th-10th, 2025

8 weeks distance and on-site learning

Fees: $395 course cost and ~$100 student ordered texts

Radiesthesia or the art of using tools to find energetic vibration began as a science for Geology, Minerology, Water Detection and, Medical Analysis. Practiced as far back as 2000 BC, the energetic connection found in proprioceptor response allows the body to tune into changes in vibration and composition which will relay reaction to the tool used to define the energy or composition of the waves or rays being received. There are many different methods both natural and electronic that have brought this artform into modernity as a science.

This course focuses on reading the Auras and Chakras in energetic connections for charting and defining conditions of imbalance that lead to disruption in the physical body mind spirit harmony. Pendulums are used with charting that represents specific wavelengths and vibrations felt through Auric Connection and Leyline transmission.

Students will learn to make and program pendulums and add a study in Chakras and their related attributes and associations for clarity in determining what implications are for the body when the blockages and imbalances are determined.
Lifestyle Plans and treatment plans are created based upon readings and careful research to develop connections that will influence the body mind spirit vibration and bring balance in the wavelengths and energy.

Learning Outcomes

  • Assess the subject’s energetic physical and historical condition through reading charts and surrogates with pendulums made of crystal and wood
  • How to perform a pendulum reading with charts
  • How to perform a reading from a surrogate
  • Obtain a basic knowledge of Anatomy Physiology of the Chakras
  • How to apply a lifestyle treatment plan to a client based on reading and holistic diagnosis

Course Dates and Fees

Start Date: July 24th, 2024
End Date: August 24th, 2024
On-site skills lab date: August 6th and 7th, 2024

4 weeks distance and on-site learning

Fees: $199 course cost and ~$100 student ordered texts

Step up your Shiatsu or Massage Practice with the inclusion of Moxa Type Heat and treatment of the Neuro Muscular Lines that release the imbalances in Meridians. This therapy combines the increased circulatory and lymphatic release effects of targeted heat and pressure with natural elements to bring the deepest relaxation to the client and to help the practitioner gain better penetration with less effort.

Recognized by the Natural Health Practitioners of Canada for Hot Stone Therapy, this course focuses on gaining knowledge and understanding of basic delivery of Hot Stone Shiatsu & Massage. Learn the anatomy and physiology for Massage treatment using stones heated in hot water and applied using a system of strokes and pressure using stones heated up to 140 degrees and applied with oils massage along musculotendinal and lymphatic routes.

Learn the Shiatsu Neuro Muscular Lines for Hot Stone Moxa Treatment with Shiatsu Pressure. Focus on the basic functions, Pressures, and methods of Shiatsu delivered to the client through gentle lean in pressure and massage by means of employing stones heated in water to 180 degrees and applied in moxa packs following the Neuro Muscular Lines for Tsubo (Point-work) application. The student learns the application, contraindications, methods and routines for Fukuga (Prone Position) and Gyoga (Supine Position) on the table.
Combine both of the therapies for an integrated treatment that creates bliss for your client.

Learning Outcomes

  • How to assess the client’s physical condition and perform a full body Hot Stone Massage with oils
  • How to perform a Prone and Supine Routine with Hot Stone Moxa and Shiatsu Pressure
  • Define and describe contraindications and modifications
  • Define and describe safety standards and methods
  • Students will gain a solid understanding of the basic anatomy and physiology
    of the Neuro Musculoskeletal body
  • Students will become efficient with: organization for treatment set up; proper client consultations; providing safe and effective treatments; and providing home care advice

Course Dates and Fees

Start Date: September 16th, 2024
End Date: February 28th, 2025
Onsite Dates: October 15th-18th, 2024 and February 10th-14th, 2025

12 weeks distance and on-site learning

Fees: $995 course cost and ~$100 student ordered texts

Take your Spa practice to a new level with this full Oils Massage and the inclusion of a water therapy that imparts the healing energy of Earth and Fire Elements with the healing vibrations of Stones.

This course is for a practitioner or student to gain knowledge and understanding of the basic delivery of Hot Stone Massage. Learn the anatomy and physiology for Massage treatment using stones heated in hot water and applied using a system of strokes and pressure. Give an amazing experience to your client that also includes healing to your own body in a method that relieves your joints and muscles from having to do all the work.

This Spa Style Hot Stone course focuses on full body treatment for increasing circulation, relieving stress, and benefitting the increased performance of the body systems, while reaching the parasympathetic state of healing.

Learning Outcomes

  • How to asses the client’s physical condition and perform a full body Hot Stone Massage with oils
  • Define and describe contraindications and modifications
  • Define and describe safety standards and methods
  • Students will gain a solid understanding of the basic anatomy and physiology of the Muskuloskeletal body
  • Students will become efficient with: organization for treatment set up; proper client consultations; providing safe and effective treatments; and providing home care advice

Course Dates and Fees

Start Date: September 16th, 2024
End Date: November 15th, 2024
Onsite skills lab date: October 15th-18th, 2024

8 weeks distance and on-site learning

Fees: $550 course cost and ~$100 student ordered texts

In this industrial and electronic age, our bodies are subject to so many outside pernicious influences, stressors and toxic elements. Removing excess from the Lymphatic System and supporting a healthy Nervous and Circulatory System is a must for improving health and well being. Gentle and invigorating, this therapy can be used as a preventative and active promoter of better health.

This CE course is designed to help Estheticians, Therapists and Bodyworkers to gain knowledge and understanding for the delivery of Lymph Release Bodywork. Learn the anatomy and physiology for Massage treatment using oils and bodywork in a system of strokes and pressure. Learn the Lymphatic system and the importance of reducing toxicity. This course focuses on full body treatment for increasing circulation, relieving stress, and benefiting the increased performance of the body systems, while reaching the parasympathetic state of healing.

Students will learn the application of strokes and point work to stimulate the Lymphatic, Circulatory, and Eliminative Systems with oils massage and tools to increase the effect of the therapy and reduce stressors on the hands and arms of the therapist. Ethics of disrobed therapy and the Power Differential are focused on for the safety and comfort of both client and practitioner. This course is an amazing addition to any existing practice and a great introduction to working full body massage.

Learning Outcomes

  • How to assess the client’s physical condition and perform a full body Lymph Release Massage with oils
  • How to perform a Prone Routine and a full Supine treatment
  • How to apply proper draping and approach techniques
  • Define and describe safety
    standards and methods
  • How to explain and disclose full treatment details for a client knowledge
  • Students will gain a solid understanding of the basic anatomy and physiology of the Lymphatic, Circulatory and Eliminative systems of the body
  • Students will become efficient with: organization for treatment set up; proper client consultations; providing safe and effective treatments; and providing home care advice

Course Dates and Fees

Start Date: September 18th, 2024
End Date: December 13th, 2024
Onsite skills lab date: October 21st-25th, 2024

12 weeks distance and on-site learning

Fees: $995 course cost and ~$100 student ordered texts

This continuing education and introduction to the Neuro Muscular application of Shiatsu launches the Shiatsu Therapist Certification for Meridian and Floor Shiatsu Therapist. For any practitioner seeking a deeply penetrating ergonomically friendly approach to massage and bodywork on the table, This is your course! Shiatsu greatly facilitates the movement towards greater human connection and co-operation in our highly industrialized, technological age. Windsong is dedicated to aligning your Shiatsu training hours in a step by step format, to enable students to progress to an advanced level and use their training in a progressive way at each level of practice.

In this introductory level, students will study Anatomy Physiology and Pathology for neuro muscular and visceral reflexes applied to the body in Tsubo Lines that correlate to Neural, Circulatory, Lymphatic and Connective Tissue pathways to improve function and prevent blockage and dis-ease.

This course focuses on gaining knowledge and understanding of basic delivery of Shiatsu and learning the anatomy and physiology for neuro muscular treatment using Lean In pressure with the hands and thumbs. Students study Namikoshi Style Table Shiatsu focussing on full body treatment for increasing circulation, relieving stress, and benefitting the increased performance of the body systems, while reaching the parasympathetic state of healing.

Learning Outcomes

  • How to asses the client’s physical condition and perform a full body Oriental Bodywork Treatment in Table Shiatsu using Lean In pressure at a 90 degree angle with the hands and Thumbs, using no tools
  • Students will gain a solid understanding of the basic anatomy and physiology of the 12 systems plus one
  • Students will become efficient with: organization for treatment set up; proper client consultations; providing safe and effective treatments; and providing home care advice

Course Dates and Fees

Start Date: January 6th, 2025
End Date: March 28th, 2025
Onsite skills lab date: January 27th-31st, 2025

12 weeks distance and on-site learning

Fees: $995 course cost and ~$100 student ordered texts

These programs do not require approval by the registrar of the Private Training Institutions Branch (PTIB) of the Ministry of Post-Secondary Education and Future Skills. As such, the registrar did not review these programs.