Oriental Bodywork ~ Acupressure Therapist
Certification Course 101, 201, 100
Oriental Bodywork ~ Acupressure Therapist Module study hours may be taken as a Professionally Recognized Acupressure Discipline or credited towards the Certified Holistic Health & Shiatsu Practitioner Diploma Program. All students will study Anatomy Physiology and Pathology in Western Terms translated into Eastern Theory. Students must also complete a full Ethics and Business Course to complete the Acupressure Certification.
Upon Completion graduates receive: A Certificate as an Oriental Bodywork Therapist recognized by the Natural Health Practitioners of Canada for a Discipline in Acupressure which includes Acupressure (D), Chinese Reflexology (D), Table Shiatsu, and AcuChi Jin Shin.
Shiatsu hours can be credited to complete the Integrated Shiatsu Therapist Certification for recognition as a Registered Shiatsu Therapist R.S.T. with the Shiatsu Therapy Association of BC.
This course develops a high quality, confident practitioner. Much attention is paid to graduates’ ability to serve a wide cross section of the public, and to continue in further advanced study.
Students will study to meet the following Course Objectives:
~235 Distance Hours
.Anatomy & Physiology Musculoskeletal Anatomy, The Integumentary & Nervous Systems (220 Hours in Anatomy Physiology Holistic Health Connectionin #100)
.Contraindications, Social Interactions, Ethics and Business Practices (60 hours in #100)
.Pathology and the patterns of illness
.Tendino-Muscular Points in the Namikoshi Routine
.Charting Twelve meridians and Eight Extraordinary Channels (Vessels, Flows)
.Yin/Yang and Five Element theory
.The Vital Essences, Zang and Fu, the Curious Organs, and The Three Burners (San Jiao)
.Location of acupressure points, potent points, Source & Luo Points, Marma Points
.Oriental analyses skills ~ tongue analysis & pulse analysis, 8 principles of .Diagnostics, 5 Element Wu Sheng, 5 Phase Theory
.Points of Caution & Contraindications
~100 Onsite Hours 89 Virtual Hours.
.Basic overall Back, Neck, Shoulder and Whole Body release patterns
.Body stretching and point work for chi balancing
.Applying Pressure in Meridians and Eight Extraordinary Channels
.Applying points and pathways of organ meridians and strange flows
.Body Dynamics (Kata) of the Practitioner during Practice
.Relaxation Warm up and Namikoshi basic NeuroMuscular Routine
.Side (Ouga), Prone (Fukuga), and Supine (Gyoga) Positions
~100 Hours in Distance Clinical Study.
Specific conditions of imbalance in the 5 Elements, Meridians, Body systems, and Energy Systems are studied using Oriental Bodywork Methods. Students will complete 10 full case studies which include Diagnostics and Health History; Client Handouts for self care to support therapeutic practice; and Practitioner Investigation, Session Notes and Summaries. 4 Sessions are required for each case study to develop ongoing Healership Skills.
Case Studies are designed to compile practitioner knowledge and give students experience with creating large reports and client summaries for clinical use and report preparation. Students can expect to spend 10 Hours per case study in preparation and completion.
Hands on student clinic practical 100 Hours in all Oriental Bodywork techniques in professional clinic environment may be done Onsite instead of Distance Case Studies. Practical application of skills taught in class is used in applying techniques during sessions given to clients served by the Student Clinic. A professional Practitioner supervises sessions, gives feedback, and grades the level of work in clinic. Students write a Study Report summarizing Diagnosis, Treatment, and Learning.
Upon successful completion, graduates will be able to perform the following Oriental Bodywork sessions with clients:
15 minute oriental analyses consultation
15 – 30 minute Chair Bodywork session
30 minute Neck, Shoulder and Back Table session
60 minute full Acupressure table session
60 or 120 minute combination table session using all oriental bodywork skills learned
60 or 90 minute Hot Waterstone Shiatsu
60 or 90 minute Full Body Acupressure Relaxation Massage with Oils

Full program cost $5,550
-Application and registration fee $100
-Tuition $3,950
-Supplies $500
-Books and supplies $1,000
Oriental Bodywork Therapy
Next start date: October 16, 2023
This Individual Course Module is a component of the CHHSP Diploma. All credits transfer: 750 hours
Part Time Combined Distance over 8 months. Online Studies, Onsite Practical, Case Studies & Healership Skills Practical
Title: Oriental Bodywork Therapist
Online Theory and Virtual Learning: 550 hours Onsite Practical Study: 100 Hours Clinical Practical Case Studies: 100 Hours