Integrated Shiatsu Therapist
Shiatsu greatly facilitates the movement towards greater human connection and co-operation in our highly industrialized, technological age. Windsong is dedicated to aligning your Shiatsu training hours in a step by step format, to enable students to progress to an advanced level and use their training in a progressive way at each level of practice. All Students will study Anatomy Physiology and Pathology in Western Terms translated to Eastern Theory. A full Ethics and Business course with Case Studies is required to complete the Certification.
The Integrated Shiatsu Therapist is a combination of Oriental Bodywork, Acupressure, and Meridian Floor Shiatsu from our Certified Holistic Health & Shiatsu Practitioner Diploma Program. Students will learn the theory and practical application of Namikoshi style Shiatsu on table and floor, Meridian Floor Shiatsu, Acupressure, Hot Waterstone Shiatsu, Chair Shiatsu, and other Oriental Bodywork Therapies. The bodywork skills learned in this program give graduates the tools necessary to become a well-rounded, confident practitioner.
Upon completion of this portion of the CHHSP program, students will be eligible to become a Registered Shiatsu Therapist under the Shiatsu Therapy Association of BC. or Join the Natural Health Practitioners of Canada with Disciplines in Acupressure and Shiatsu and a Specialty in Hot Stone Therapy. The courses taken can then be credited towards the CHHSP or EST Diploma for further study should you choose to add to your skills in the future.
Courses include: #100 Business and Ethics, #102 Shiatsu Theory, #202 Namikoshi Style Floor, #202 Meridian Style Floor and Derivatives, #101 Theory of Namikoshi Shiatsu, Acupressure, and AcuChi Jin Shin, #201 Practical application of Oriental Bodywork techniques, #300 Case Studies and Healership Skills.
Words from a Course Graduate: “I studied Shiatsu and Reiki at Windsong College of Healing Arts in 2018 and was very satisfied with my training. There was a lot of self-learning, but this gave way for broader discussions and experimentation in class. I appreciated the fact that Lori kept pushing us to find our own answers and to tailor our own practice with the diversity of tools we were given. The time spent in Windsong became not only a time of professional learning, but also a real opportunity for self-exploration and growth, which seems essential in that field. I also really appreciate the intense clinic days: this definitely helped me to feel competent enough at the end of the training to start my own practice” Anaid Sayrin, France
Students will study to meet the following course objectives:
.Anatomy & Physiology Musculoskeletal Anatomy, The Integumentary & Nervous Systems (220 Hours in Anatomy Physiology Holistic Health Connectionin #100)
.Contraindications, Social Interactions, Ethics and Business Practices (60 hours in #100)
.Pathology and the patterns of illness
.Tendino-Muscular Points in the Namikoshi Routine
.Charting Twelve meridians and Eight Extraordinary Channels (Vessels, Flows)
.Yin/Yang and Five Element theory
.The Vital Essences, Zang and Fu, the Curious Organs, and The Three Burners (San Jiao)
.Location of acupressure points, potent points, Source & Luo Points, Marma Points
.Oriental analyses skills ~ tongue analysis & pulse analysis, 8 principles of .Diagnostics, 5 Element Wu Sheng, 5 Phase Theory
.Points of Caution & Contraindications
.Basic overall Back, Neck, Shoulder and Whole Body release patterns
.Body stretching and point work for chi balancing
.Applying Pressure in Meridians and Eight Extraordinary Channels
.Applying points and pathways of organ meridians and strange flows
.Body Dynamics (Kata) of the Practitioner during Practice
.Relaxation Warm up and Namikoshi basic NeuroMuscular Routine
.Side (Ouga), Prone (Fukuga), and Supine (Gyoga) Positions
.History of Shiatsu and development of therapies in the West
.Anatomy Physiology Pathology Holistic Health Connection 220 hours
.Namikoshi Shiatsu principles of treatment in Neuro Muscular Cutaneovisceral Responses
.Meridian (Keiraku) & Derivative Shiatsu principles of treatment: Zang and Fu Organ Theory, Meridian Location and Extensions
.Practical application of 5 Element and Meridian Theory in the 8 principals of Diagnosis, Tongue and Pulse Theory, Meridian Shiatsu Reflex Theory, Amoeba Phase Theory
.Contraindications and Social Impact: Instruction includes ~ Practice Protocol, Ethical Standards, Client Practices and Safety
.12 Systems + 1 Anatomy and Physiology of Meridians and Organs in Practice Western Meets Eastern Theory
.Practice of Ouga, Fukuga, and Gyoga Positions in Floor Shiatsu
.Review of Musculoskeletal Anatomy of Movement In Stretching
.Use of varying pressure gradients and Meridian Points (Keiketsu)
.Students will learn routines that provide for 60 or 90 minute Floor Shiatsu Session employing techniques in Ouga (side), Fukuga (Prone), and Gyoga (Supine) using Keiraku and Shiatsu Derivative Theory
.Hara and Back reflex assessment and treatment is studied and applied
.Developing Treatment Styles and Routines for Shiatsu 5 element and Meridian Pathologies
.Clinical notes and profiles for client records. Developing and implementing forms and legal documents for practices
.Assessment and treatment in Integrated Modalities
100 hours assigned in clinic study.
Students choose Ten clients to chart and assess case study and treatment protocols. Case studies are written in report format and focus on treatment patterns and outcomes to increase professional skills in a learning environment. Each case study requires 4 sessions of Shiatsu to be done with the client. Students should plan for 10 hours to complete each case study.
Hands on Student Clinic Practical in all Shiatsu techniques in a learning and professional clinic environment is done Onsite. Practical application of skills taught in class are used in applying techniques during sessions given to clients served by the Student Clinic. A professional Practitioner supervises sessions, gives feedback, and grades the level of work in clinic.
100 hour assigned in clinic study:
Specific conditions of imbalance in the 5 Elements, Meridians, Body systems, and Energy Systems are studied using Oriental Bodywork Methods. Students will complete 10 full case studies which include Diagnostics and Health History; Client Handouts for self care to support therapeutic practice; and Practitioner Investigation, Session Notes and Summaries. 4 Sessions are required for each case study to develop ongoing Healership Skills.
Case Studies are designed to compile practitioner knowledge and give students experience with creating large reports and client summaries for clinical use and report preparation. Students can expect to spend 10 Hours per case study in preparation and completion.

Total course cost: $9,000
-Application Fee $100
-Supplies Fee $500
-Course Tuition $7,000
-Books and Materials ordered by Student Online or through Suppliers $1,400
Integrated Shiatsu Therapist:
Requires 12 Weeks Onsite Training and Practical Skills Class
Qualifies for the Registered Shiatsu Therapist Title with the STA of BC
Discipline in Shiatsu and Acupressure with the NHPC
Modules of the Approved Certified Holistic Health and Shiatsu Practitioner Diploma Program. All Credit transfers:
Course Delivery: Combined Distance
Course Duration: 36 weeks ~ 1050 Hours
Part Time Combined Distance over 9 Months. Virtual Online Studies, Onsite Practical, Distance Case Studies and Healership Skills.
Title: Integrated Shiatsu Therapist & Oriental Bodywork Therapist